Wednesday, January 8, 2014

It's been 2 years since I have been on here!!! YIKES

So, we is a long story, but the condensed version is we had a very traumatic break in to our home one where we could no longer live there and feel safe, too many bad memories :(  WE decided to turn our almost 5,000 square feet home into a two family.  All we really had to do is put up a couple walls add another kitchen and it was ready to rent.  The two beautiful families that live there are friends of ours, and they are so happy to be there.  That makes losing our home a little ok...

Our family is healing, with the help of so many wonderful friends and our family and most importantly we can not even imagine going through all that we went through without the faithful love of God.   We have moved on.  So, with a new beginning I am looking forward to sharing my new adventures, projects and of course my family with you.  I can't wait to post new family pictures under the family tab! They are so much bigger than those pictures.  I am now the shortest in my family. ;)

Here is our new space.  We bought a beautiful old house just right up the street.  Our new home was built in 1890 & is literally half the square footage of our other home.  We decided not to rent out our barn and thank God because we wouldn't have fit in our new place !!! Moving is hard and we had not planned on doing so in a very long, long time, but it was a great opportunity to get rid of A LOT of "stuff" we did not need.

Here is a picture of our new Space ;)
We didn't move in until the fall so we did not do any work to the landscaping yet! And oh, do we have big plans!!  I do want to paint the shutters black this summer, they are a rather bright cranberry color...not my favorite.  I also want to paint the door a nice bright color.  I'm not a big fan of having the shutters the same color as the door! Unfortunately we are knee deep in snow so that post will be far away :(  For now I will just share what I have for you.
In this house, here is my favorite space:
I have the cutest screened in porch, but I only got to enjoy it for two weeks before it got too cold to sit on! check out that spool of rope! We got it behind JCrew in NYC, they were going to throw it away!  We got 3 more! Dumpster diving in NYC is awesome!! Can you believe they were just going to throw them away?


  1. Well we missed you on here my friend!!! Cannot wait to see all the loveliness of your new home, and yourself of course!! WELCOME BACK!!! You were missed :) XO

    1. Thank you, my friend! big smile when I saw I got a reply!! how fun!

  2. Beautiful home! Sorry you had to move, it sounds like life and home are both better! Love that spool!
